Sunday, July 29, 2007
My cute 4 year old pal Maddie came to the city from Alameda to spend the late morning and afternoon with me and wanted to go out for a sail, so we headed out for a sail about 1 pm.

Winds were moderate as we headed out toward the central bay.

We were ghosting down the cityfront toward the Bay Bridge and passed this pelican pal resting on the bay waters off to port.

Well east of us, another sailboat was heading for the Bay Bridge also.

The financial district was enjoying brilliant sunshine as we continued down the cityfront.

The charter sloop RUBY passed to port, heading north.

A short time later, this lovely J105 passed us, looking great!

Maddie was enjoying the sailing and the sunshine.

We sailed to a point opposite the ferry building and then Maddie wanted to turn around and head back toward home port.

This catamaran passed us as we headed home.
Winds stayed moderate while we were out and enabled us to enjoy a quiet
little outing.
My cute 4 year old pal Maddie came to the city from Alameda to spend the late morning and afternoon with me and wanted to go out for a sail, so we headed out for a sail about 1 pm.

Winds were moderate as we headed out toward the central bay.

We were ghosting down the cityfront toward the Bay Bridge and passed this pelican pal resting on the bay waters off to port.

Well east of us, another sailboat was heading for the Bay Bridge also.

The financial district was enjoying brilliant sunshine as we continued down the cityfront.

The charter sloop RUBY passed to port, heading north.

A short time later, this lovely J105 passed us, looking great!

Maddie was enjoying the sailing and the sunshine.

We sailed to a point opposite the ferry building and then Maddie wanted to turn around and head back toward home port.

This catamaran passed us as we headed home.
Winds stayed moderate while we were out and enabled us to enjoy a quiet
little outing.