Sunday, July 29, 2007
Steve, the Aussie, joined us again for a late morning and early afternoon sail to the gate and back.

Winds were light as we headed for the gate on a southwest breeze, passing the end of pier 39 where the flags were fluttering lightly.

Alcatraz was grim looking under gray skies.

ADVENTURE CAT was headed for the gate, probably for an ash scattering event outside the gate, since the CAT doesn't start it's regular outings until the afternoon and then doesn't ususally head straight for the gate.

As we continued westward, a J World sailboat passed in front of us.

Later, as we approached Yellow Bluff, this lovely large sailboat with high tech sails crossed in front of us.

After sailing to near the shore of the headlands, we tacked and sailed across the gate which was partially fogged in with a somewhat freshening wind.

A J boat off starboard was also heading for the gate.

Nearing the SF shore, we watched this Ericson 34 heading for the gate and tacked to head out the gate ourselves.

We sailed out about midspan under overcast skies with the fog having lifted off the bridge and now obscuring only the tops of the towers.

We just ducked out and then came about and headed back inside the bay, eventually passing this Ericson 32 flying just a storm jib along with a full main.

The eastern part of the city was enjoying some hazy sunshine as we sailed between pier 45 and pier 39.

As we passed pier 39, we saw ADVENTURE CAT returning toward home port also.
We sailed into the lee of pier 35 to douse sail and get ready to land after enjoying a couple of hours of moderate winds on the bay-- the strong winds not showing up for another hour or so, and then howling up to the 25-30 knot range as it almost always does these days.
Steve, the Aussie, joined us again for a late morning and early afternoon sail to the gate and back.

Winds were light as we headed for the gate on a southwest breeze, passing the end of pier 39 where the flags were fluttering lightly.

Alcatraz was grim looking under gray skies.

ADVENTURE CAT was headed for the gate, probably for an ash scattering event outside the gate, since the CAT doesn't start it's regular outings until the afternoon and then doesn't ususally head straight for the gate.

As we continued westward, a J World sailboat passed in front of us.

Later, as we approached Yellow Bluff, this lovely large sailboat with high tech sails crossed in front of us.

After sailing to near the shore of the headlands, we tacked and sailed across the gate which was partially fogged in with a somewhat freshening wind.

A J boat off starboard was also heading for the gate.

Nearing the SF shore, we watched this Ericson 34 heading for the gate and tacked to head out the gate ourselves.

We sailed out about midspan under overcast skies with the fog having lifted off the bridge and now obscuring only the tops of the towers.

We just ducked out and then came about and headed back inside the bay, eventually passing this Ericson 32 flying just a storm jib along with a full main.

The eastern part of the city was enjoying some hazy sunshine as we sailed between pier 45 and pier 39.

As we passed pier 39, we saw ADVENTURE CAT returning toward home port also.
We sailed into the lee of pier 35 to douse sail and get ready to land after enjoying a couple of hours of moderate winds on the bay-- the strong winds not showing up for another hour or so, and then howling up to the 25-30 knot range as it almost always does these days.