Sunday, September 23, 2007
Saturday started out with a morning rain, giving way to partially clearing skies in the afternoon. We decided to go out for an eveing sunset sail about 6:30 pm.

Winds were very light when we left port.

As we entered the central bay, a flock of beautiful pelicans flew overhead, heading east, one of several flocks that we saw that evening.

A dramatic sundown sky was developing in the west as we sailed toward Alcatraz, against the waxing flood current.

Over in the northeast, BAY LADY was heading out to watch the sunset, and sailboat over by the Treasure Island shore was presumably heading home.

A small trimaran named WINGIT was sailing downwind under spinnaker with the sundown sky behind.

FDR's presidential yacht, the POTOMAC, was steaming westward to watch the sunset...

... and some brilliant sunset colors were beginning to develop.

WINGIT was passing the marina, sailing with the current, as we continued trying to fight the flood current to little avail.

Financial district buildings were receiving the last sunrays of the day.

A sailboat flying a colorful spinnaker passed to starboard, with BAY LADY in the distance.

A large charter yacht, VOYAGER, was also heading out for a sunset sail.... was the EMPRESS HORNBLOWER.

The waxing moon was brightening in the eastern sky.... more dramatic sunset colors developed in the west.

We had seen the GASLIGHT heading across the bay from Angel Island, and now she was approaching the cityfront.

City lights were brightening as skies darkened-- magic time on the bay, and we headed back toward home port.

Coit Tower is again lighted with whiite lights, after a period of being illuminated with red light in celebration of the coming of Virgin Airlines to SFO, though I preferred to think of it as calling attantion to all the bloodshed in Iraq.

Some dramatic sunset skies persisted over the marina and pier 39 as we motored toward home after dousing sail.
We docked, filled with the pleasure of the sights and sounds of a lovely evening sunset sail.
Saturday started out with a morning rain, giving way to partially clearing skies in the afternoon. We decided to go out for an eveing sunset sail about 6:30 pm.

Winds were very light when we left port.

As we entered the central bay, a flock of beautiful pelicans flew overhead, heading east, one of several flocks that we saw that evening.

A dramatic sundown sky was developing in the west as we sailed toward Alcatraz, against the waxing flood current.

Over in the northeast, BAY LADY was heading out to watch the sunset, and sailboat over by the Treasure Island shore was presumably heading home.

A small trimaran named WINGIT was sailing downwind under spinnaker with the sundown sky behind.

FDR's presidential yacht, the POTOMAC, was steaming westward to watch the sunset...

... and some brilliant sunset colors were beginning to develop.

WINGIT was passing the marina, sailing with the current, as we continued trying to fight the flood current to little avail.

Financial district buildings were receiving the last sunrays of the day.

A sailboat flying a colorful spinnaker passed to starboard, with BAY LADY in the distance.

A large charter yacht, VOYAGER, was also heading out for a sunset sail.... was the EMPRESS HORNBLOWER.

The waxing moon was brightening in the eastern sky.... more dramatic sunset colors developed in the west.

We had seen the GASLIGHT heading across the bay from Angel Island, and now she was approaching the cityfront.

City lights were brightening as skies darkened-- magic time on the bay, and we headed back toward home port.

Coit Tower is again lighted with whiite lights, after a period of being illuminated with red light in celebration of the coming of Virgin Airlines to SFO, though I preferred to think of it as calling attantion to all the bloodshed in Iraq.

Some dramatic sunset skies persisted over the marina and pier 39 as we motored toward home after dousing sail.
We docked, filled with the pleasure of the sights and sounds of a lovely evening sunset sail.